... Welcome to HomesteadMails from the herards6 family...


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Paid Advertising

Are you interested in advertising with our company?

Below are the different types of advertising services we provide.
We offer many options and are confident, you will find one to fit your needs.

How it works:
  • Click one of our advertising offers from below.
  • If this package allows targeting - select your target groups.
  • When you are done you will have the price, that you need to pay, calculated.
  • After you have paid for your ad package, please fill out the "Order Form"
    on the last step to complete the advertisement ordering process.
  • Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
  • Once your payment has been confirmed, we will process your order immediately.

  • Please go to your personal account and send the funds to pay for your advertising to any of the following pay processors:

    - PayPal Credit Card to theherards6@gmail.com

    -Serve: theherards6@gmail.com

    - Paypal: theherards6@gmail.com

    -Skrill: theherards6@gmail.com

Ad Packages


Ad Packages

Affiliate Page

Affiliate Page (Renewal Only): If you wish to renew an existing Affiliate Page and do not wish to resubmit your ads - Please use the orders here.

If your page has already expired and you wish to renew, please use the links in the Ad Packages Section - HERE

OR Redemption HERE

Personal PTC Page

Personal PTC Page (Renewal Only): If you wish to renew an existing Personal PTC Page and do not wish to resubmit your ads - Please use the orders here.

If your page has already expired and you wish to renew, please use the links in the Ad Packages Section - HERE

OR Redemption HERE

Upgraded Memberships
Upgraded Members receive additional Advertising and Referral benefits.

**A Paid-eMail to Members**
Emails sent daily until guaranteed clicks are reached.

**Banner Impressions Advertising**
Your banner is inserted into our banner rotation on the top of each page of the website. This is a great way to catch people's interest, just as much publicity, if not more than advertising in the member e-mails.

Featured Site Banners

Paid to Click
Paid to click ads are receiving an average of 16 to 18 clicks per day as of October 2018

Treasure room:

Special PTP Rotating Views
**NO PTP Links Allowed **

Tier 1&2 PTC

Tier 1&2 Emails

Contest PTC


Add funds to your account
add cash funds to your account to use for redeeming for advertising

* This ad allows targeting. Price determined after choosing targets.